It was by chance that I discovered the agency in the heart of the east while browsing the internet. I went to Ukraine many years ago and I loved the country and the people. The streets are safe and clean, the people welcoming. Tired of the French female climate, I decided to change countries to be able to build with a woman. I preferred to turn to specialists rather than go on an adventure alone. I was well-inspired. Everything is organized for you and you only take care of
meet the woman of your life. All the speakers are friendly.
The agency wants you to meet between 5 and 6 girls. Indeed, making a trip for a person is far too risky. Internet exchanges are not very useful in the end. For example, I have only exchanged once with Vera on the internet, a young and pretty Ukrainian 34 years old, the one with whom I am today. The meeting went well, we were in a place that he likes very much and made him feel comfortable.
The interpreter on site did his job and allowed a good atmosphere to set in. We had a good evening laughing and the next day we stayed in touch through Viber. A little precision at this level, feel free to install Viber or WhatsApp on your smartphone, otherwise you may not stay in touch. But beware of translation errors, at first any misunderstanding is risky.
So I went back to France after being very sick in Kharkiv. And yes, it’s really not a climate for an Aixois, nature is sometimes hostile. I invited him to spend a week at my house in a village around Aix en-Provence. She agreed.
I put two bedrooms, a bathroom and a toilet upstairs. I bloomed in the room. I am very happy to have met such a woman, I did not think that one day a woman could please me again. She is also not aggressive, not feminist and she is very feminine. Women my age in France can no longer stand anything and tend to lock themselves in with cats. The delirious mainstream talk about the dominant 50-year-old male who would be sexist, homophobic, racist… don’t help.
At 50, a relationship with a French woman my age is more of a dissent and conflict than a good one. It’s like you’re the person to hate. With Vera everything is different. She is 34 years old, she is feminine, full of life, she has a strong character without having a big mouth.
I am very far from the French woman who can quickly get tired of. She’s a real woman. It seems incredible that they still exist.
So I can only advise men who want to build something, whether it’s a family or a lasting relationship, to look to other countries and why not to Ukraine. After, of course, life is what it is, human relationships too, but you will put all the chances on your side, in my opinion.