After learning a lot and travelling a lot, I no longer believed in love. Out of curiosity and especially thanks to the help of the director of the agency, I finally got to know this ultimate feeling. My words may seem mundane, but I really feel that depth. Yes, know gentlemen, love is in Ukraine. Veni, Vidi, Vici … Vici? yes not defeated, but rather provoked …
Yes I provoked love, but for a price so cheap given the performance, and saw the result: ok my life is all turned upside down, but it’s the ultimate happiness and in addition my beautiful brown pink feels the same … and I totally trust him.
Arriving on Saturday, Andrei welcomes me. At the apartment, in the center of the city, I settle down, everything looks good. It’s not that cold and I like Ukraine very much. At 5pm I meet Inna, an intelligent and beautiful woman. I will stay 5 hours with her, the translator with whom I sympathize a lot also gets involved a lot to put me at ease. I go home really excited and under the spell of Inna. I see her again in a place I let her choose for breakfast Sunday morning. Obviously I’ll stay with her for another four hours, we laugh a lot, we promise to see each other again.
In the afternoon, I meet Svetlana, for 3 hours, the same, same impressions, still a beautiful and very interesting woman. Very good time, we talked a lot, I learned a lot about Ukraine. A really interesting country with women with lots of qualities.
I’m a little lost on my way home at night, but so happy. I’m afraid I’m going to be “in love” with every Ukrainian candidate I meet. This agency, it’s really a gold mine! I really regret not having my friends around to me to help and advise me.
The next morning, I see Yuliya, and there love at first sight, I do not know it yet, but it will be reciprocal. It is 10am, but our breakfast will be accompanied by a very good bottle of lol champagne. A magical encounter, and Julia, my favorite translator, will do everything in addition to make it work between us. But I have to leave, hard of course, to meet Elena , a beautiful 24-year-old girl very mature for her age.
With Elena, everything’s going well. After that I will have two more exceptional encounters but my heart swings so much for Yuliya.
I see her again on the very Tuesday night of our meeting, we’re partying together. And there, it’s true it’s the consecration, we get along so well, both on the same wavelength. We will see each other every day until I leave, a strong complicity sets in and the feelings settle on each side. We visit and have a lot of fun in Kharkov, unforgettable and very strong moments. We communicate in English. I’m meeting his son. We spend the last evening together, and she will accompany me, with Andrei, to the airport in the early morning on Saturday morning.
Really hard to leave, but so happy to finally know love. We communicate via Skype from, every day, even whole nights. We’re even closer. Since we meet once in Kharkov, once in France, I miss Yuliya so much. We are expected to get married in a few months.
The organization of the trip went very well, the translators are bilingual and always there to help you. We’re rarely alone.
My life has changed and I am swimming in total happiness. Thank you to the agency and especially Kateryna, the director of the agency for allowing me to live this great experience. LONG LIVE LOVE