As soon as I met Julia her smile popped up in my eyes. A frank and joyful look. She’s an intelligent woman, eager to start a new life, she already had a big child and so did I. I’m 45, she’s 43. Our interests were common a couple life each paying attention to each other. I did not attach myself to her physique (although pretty woman) but rather to what she had in her head …
and she did the same. The commonalities about our philosophy of life were striking. We found it as 2 kid to remake the world … It was fantastic, were on the same wavelength…
The interpreter degreased our common interests and allowed to communicate serenely during the first 3-4 appointments, then we managed on our own, the gestures and the phone with a translation application were very useful. Gradually a complicity was established based on an ideal of future life. We went to the zoo, walking down the street, a complicity was created, not the spirit of youth, but that of reason leading to passion….
She’s been to visit me in France before. In 10 days it still arrives for 15 days. I can’t wait to see her coming. I think it will be the ray of sunshine of my life… And that we’ll end up together forever.
I am very satisfied with the trip it was a bit scary at first as I don’t speak Russian or English at all. The city is very clean very nice one feels safe the location of the apartment is ideal and it is quite decent. I always ate at the restaurant and it was fine. The women introduced to me were all eager to rebuild their lives all the appointments went very well. The three interpreters are largely up to the task entrusted to them, they are very human, understanding and professional.