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Patrick (meeting trip to Kharkov, early February 2019, following 3 months of correspondence)

Testimony stay of | meetings In the Heart of the East
Testimony stay of | meetings In the Heart of the East

I have seen Ekaterina and I am very happy about that. It’s magical. We’ll see each other in the morning. It is true that it is more in tune with my profile and my projects … We’ll see how it evolves.

I saw Lilya again last night and I’m excited and still like me. We’ll meet again tomorrow afternoon at Gorki Park at 4 p.m.

Regarding Ekaterina, whom I was happy to meet, she canceled our 4pm appointment because of her work… I’m disappointed.

I think when I heard that Ekaterina was postponing the date, I was a little bit mad at the whole world… The situation has changed a little because I see Lylia tirelessly every day and time passes very quickly with her. I still see Ekaterina at 4pm because it is at the base for her that I came to Kharkov … She’s older my goal is really to create a beautiful family with emotional l. We’ll see how all this evolves and who wants to come to France… Because that is the goal of a long-lasting and serious relationship.

Fortunately Lylia brings me a lot of pleasure and joy to come to Kharkov because otherwise, with this news, I would be sad. I’m waiting for her interpreter to call me back to tell me if she’s available tonight later or tomorrow at noon, because I really want to meet her. But if she doesn’t find a niche quickly to see me, I’ll quickly get tired and consider that she is not motivated.

It was basically for her that I bought my tickets … I love women who insure!

I saw Lylia every day until yesterday, then Ekateryna, Wednesday, Thursday morning and again Thursday night, then today Friday.

For both, I have their number and we will stay in touch via whats app.

We spoke last night with Ekaterina. She would agree to come a week in May to Paris at first.

Time will tell…

Kateryna came to spend a week with me.

It went very well. She is really very charming and the connection is very easy and natural between the two of us.

We talked about seeing each other longer in a few weeks. We’re on the right track!
