Infinite pleasure to be able to say that life can be beautiful and that despite the disappointments of life we can find the beautiful thread of this life. The discovery of this site, its reading, the viewing of the videos, the services of the Agency both in France and Ukraine are superbly well orchestrated. You feel well cared for, led, helped and supported. Of course, it’s up to us to listen to katerina’s advice (The Director of the Agency)…
Personally, I chose the Full option and I really wasn’t disappointed.
After making a global choice (about 5), having discussed it with Katerina and here I am starting first by exchanging letters with the chosen ladies. Then comes the moment when words are no longer enough and after about two months I decide to go to meet my destiny and my future.
Excellent support on my arrival thanks to Aliona: a beautiful and large apartment, a provision of a Ukrainian cellphone …
The appointments were all perfect, in an excellent atmosphere, warm atmosphere to be comfortable and relaxed and thus take full advantage of all his head to be fully in the appointments (places chosen by the ladies) and very good interpreters (who had finesse and a very good psychological side). Very, very important that all this. All the appointments went well; each person were faithful to the photos (both that of the agency and those provided by these beautiful ladies during the correspondences) and to the written exchanges.
I do not hide, of course, one of her, my sweet and beautiful Ludmila (choice driven by Katerina), knew how to capture my attention and find the right keys to the way of my heart. And wonderful thing, it was also the case for her. Beautiful exchange in writing, respectful, frank and simple; then the real meeting where our two eyes met at the restaurant “Le Château” (smile: a beautiful restaurant type French) and there and a real love at first sight. Simple and wordless. Our first meeting passed like a real TGV (almost 4 hours which seemed to us to be only 1h). Our second appointment took place in a panoramic restaurant Loundge, a place advised by our interpreter who helped us again (thanks to Fotina who did everything to make it go very well). This meeting was also magical. We decided together to spend the remaining 8 days together: she made me know her city, we cooked together, we viewed pictures of our respective lives (holidays, families etc.). Simple and natural things to walk together on the same path of life and budding happiness. Perfect listening, a very important mutual understanding, a huge respect and a beautiful fusion and we are talking about the present and the future with ease. She decided to learn French and took lessons at the Alliance Française in Kharkov. And here too, I can tell you that Slavic women have the ease of learning languages in their skin.
Ludmila accompanied me to the airport for my return to France (snif snif); but the future is bright. And then again, the whole organization of the agency continues because thanks to the agency obtaining a visa for my Ludmila is very easy. She joins me at home. Back home.
My life, his life, our lives have changed thanks to this agency that knows how to listen and is very professional. Ludmila and I swim in happiness, our happiness. Soon we decided to discuss seriously his final coming to France and our future family life.
A big thank you to both of us: to the Agency, to all its collaborators (French and Ukrainians) and to Katerina.