Good evening Katerina,
I made it. Andrei greeted me and took me to the apartment showing me a few places nearby for breakfast or shopping. He also told me that the way you work was the best. You might as well pass it on to you.
The apartment is fine though overheated. But that’s a constant in winter.
A good sleep and in top shape tomorrow morning to start.
Very good evening.
Good evening Katerina,
I just finished my second RV. The first one with Anna went very well. We exchanged our numbers. But I didn’t feel any particular sensation.
The one I just lived with Victoria is very different. I had a huge crush. We exchanged our numbers and I had to listen to your voice say “no final decision until we return to Paris” not to kiss him. The current seems to have passed in both directions. But since I promised to listen to you and the interpreter told me that we had to wait to see everyone before thinking about what would happen next, I held back. But it caused me to capsize. I just have a fear is that she gets bored alone at home when I’m not there.
I don’t know how I’m going to hold out until Monday to see her again.
Good evening Katerina,
The last date with Marianna is negative. It does not suit me and I do not see it at all integrating away from the city.
Good night
Good evening Katerina,
Here is the results of the 2nd day:
– Svetlana: very neat and interesting woman, but the feelings have not passed. I’m not going to follow through.
– Elena: in addition to being very beautiful, she is very interesting. We’ll see each other tomorrow night without an interpreter. We’ll see. It seems that I am interested but I am not sure that she is ready to live outside a big city
– Eugenia: it was the one that attracted me the most before coming. The appointment was perfect. We exchanged a lot in Russian and French. Real accomplices. If I haven’t already fallen in love, it will happen on Tuesday night when we meet again. She’s fabulous…
From yesterday, I’m going to invite Victoria on a second date. I do not follow up for Marianna and I still hesitate for Anna. Sleep on it.
I still have one last date tomorrow afternoon with Tatiana.
Good night
Good evening Katerina,
It’s been a long day. I just got home and it’s past midnight.
This afternoon, I saw Victoria again. And the current definitely goes very well with it. I can see her by my side very well. There is just one point that appeals to me: she systematically ordered the same things as me at the restaurant as if she had to show that she likes the same things as me. So I emphasized my vision of the couple where everyone plays their role as equals. I will see how communication evolves remotely. Normally, I don’t see her again until I leave.
In the late afternoon, I saw the last member, Tatiana. And we both flashed. She’s not working tomorrow and we’re scheduled to meet again around 1:00.
And tonight I saw Elena again. What a bomb of youth, energy and joie de vivre. She’s very smart and knows life. I was a little reserved, but she turned the evening into a fairytale. She told me tomorrow while she is working. But she’s free at night. The problem is, I’m seeing the one that caused my heart to capsize, Evgenia. So I’ll tell Elena tomorrow that, unfortunately, I’m not free.
Clearly, out of the 7 people I met, there are still 4 who attract me enormously. Evgenia is my favorite and our date tomorrow will be very important. Then, Tania seems to me both exciting, in tune with me, and easily integrated with me. But the coming weeks are going to be very rich in lessons I think.
You have allowed me to meet incredible women. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Good evening Katerina,
I just left Tatiana (2nd RV). We are totally in sync. She’s wonderful. And in an hour I finish my stay with Evgenia, my “dear”. I think they are the 2 with whom I can engage without restriction at this stage of reflection.
Elena is very close but I see her less integrated. Victoria is a little too obliterated, but what a woman!!!
Hello Katerina,
Evgenia has just told me that she will not come to my house, that she needs time to solve her problems. I think she is not ready to commit. It hurts a lot. I don’t know if she’ll come to me later or not. It will take me some time to digest because my feelings for her are extremely strong. Thank you for not intervening with her.
Cote Tania, we’re making great strides. After all, maybe it was a sign.
Tanya just told me that she can finally come for Christmas with her daughter because school stops on 20/12 instead of the 26th. This means that we will be able to spend 1 week together with our children. I’m the happiest man in the world. She tells me that she prefers to stay in a hotel for the first time in France so as not to show her daughter the “wrong” example and discover my world without the slightest pressure. I think she is quite prudish.
Hello pretty matchmaker :)))
I’m sending you this message for some news. Everything’s going well with Tanya. She arrives in Paris with her daughter on 20/12 and stays until the 29th. We exchange a lot through Viber and chat videos. We’ve become very close. In fact, all that’s missing is physical contact to go further. But we’ll see that in 4 weeks to the day.
As for Evgenia, I have no news at all. I sent her an ultimatum last Monday (explain your problems to me) and she didn’t respond. I told her yesterday that she had chosen to give up and that I could no longer count on her. In short, I made a cross on her and I must say that Tanya takes a really considerable place in my heart. She’s great. But Evgenia leaves me with immense regret and a huge misunderstanding.
Good evening Katerina,
Only a week to go. The last few days have been very intense. She’s getting more and more engaged. She’s really great. And she seems to have the same feelings for me as I feel for her.
I’m conquered.
Good night