Agencies and dating sites that make their difference by declaring themselves activists against the scam do not have other arguments for their potential clientele. Their means of communication is to be “anti-scam” agencies. But they do nothing more than nothing less against scams than talk about them, instead of perfecting their own business. Blacklists of scammers and scammers are easily found on the internet because there are official and specialized websites. Referencing crooked women and men, as well as fraudulent sites and agencies is a very special activity that is conducted by specialized companies and not by marriage agencies or dating sites.
Meeting an eastern woman and marrying her is not always real with impersonal dating agencies
The members of the agency Au Coeur de l’Est are scrupulously checked: not only do we verify the veracity of the information they provide to the registration which usually happens by word of mouth (papers, identity, marital status, work, etc.), and we also meet them regularly and therefore know the character, ambitions and projects of each.
We have a human relationship with both our customers and our members. We are very available to exchange orally at will throughout everyone’s approach.
Enrolling in Russian or Ukrainian marriage agencies directly is dangerous for Europeans because these agencies do not depend on the regulation of justice that Europeans can use; it will therefore be difficult for you to claim your rights if the service for which you paid has not been rendered.
The illusions of Slavic encounters
Marriage agencies that have thousands of profiles of women from several eastern cities or several eastern countries are “factories” with many outdated profiles; the officials you deal with have never met them because it is physically impossible to know so many women who live in so many countries…. You are therefore required to make several trips to several cities, to meet each time one or two women; and you will discover after this uncomfortable logistics that you have nothing in common with these women, since you chose them in “photo -age – height – weight and a small description …
We work with a single city (Kharkov) and have about 400 beautiful Ukrainian members that we know personally. We can inform you about each woman you are interested in in detail and advise you on your compatibility, not through computer tests, but during a personal appointment or during a telephone or videoconference conversation. On a single trip to Kharkov, you will be able to meet as many Ukrainian members of your choice as you would like (our advice is to meet 5-6 women for a week’s stay).