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Bastien’s opinion on his meeting stay in Kharkov (early-December 2020, following 1 month of correspondence)

Testimony stay of | meetings In the Heart of the East
Testimony stay of | meetings In the Heart of the East

Bonjour Kateryna

My trip went very well. Upon boarding in Lyon I was told that my PCR test done in a pharmacy and not in the lab (this is new) might not be accepted in Ukraine, and that I would be forced to do another test in the laboratory at the airport on site. But in Kharkov, they didn’t even ask me… As if there was no Corona …

Andrei welcomed me as planned. It’s nice to also see an example of a Ukrainian man among all these women I’m meeting :). The apartment is very comfortable, the restaurants are open except in the evening in theory. But in practice, even if they are supposed to be closed after 9pm, some remain open. And your learned partners who :).

Yesterday, after my arrival, I had a very nice appointment with Olga at 10pm, a beautiful and serious woman, perhaps too nerdy for me :). I don’t feel up to it, actually…

Today I met Elena and Valentina. What happiness! They’re a little cooler than Olga 🙂 and I like both very much. I will see them both again tomorrow, they have accepted, and I am happy about that.

Honestly, even in winter the women in your house are very elegant. How do they manage to be so sexy with this weather and despite all the warm clothes? It’s unbelievable…

To follow:)



This is my wonderful stay is coming to an end. All the meetings were very friendly, I think to return to Kharkov in January to see the beautiful Elena who literally makes me crack with her beauty, her sweetness and her kindness.

But I’m listening to you and I’m not going to put the cart before the horse. So I made contact with each of the women, you’re right, you never know.

I liked Kharkov, even though I was going from one restaurant to another, because given the weather, it is difficult to enjoy the city. But luckily the restaurants are open! And I loved Ukrainian food!

Thanks for everything!

