In general, the majority of our members speak English, their language level varies from school English to fluent English. In fact, we have among our members teachers of foreign languages, especially English.
The French language is much less often taught in Ukraine and Russia as part of secondary and higher education than the English language.
Nevertheless, we have some Ukrainian members who speak French. Some of these Ukrainian women are interpreters or French teachers, others only have French bases.
How Ukrainian women learn French
However, in general, the number of Russian and Ukrainian women speaking French remains very limited among all the beautiful Slavic women registered in Russian and Ukrainian marriage agencies as well as on dating sites.
We therefore advise you not to restrict your choice to Ukrainian women speaking French, because you will radically minimize your chances of meeting a satisfactory number of women compatible with your profile, women who you like, and to whom you like each other.
Members of our dating agency will have no problem learning French. 90% of them come from higher education, which is common for post-Soviet countries. So they are used to studying, learning, and they have all the skills.
The level of adaptability of our members married to our clients is reflected in several videos of testimonials from couples in the Eastern Court. You can see for yourself not only the linguistic integration of Ukrainian women who have learned French, but also their social and professional integration.
Meet and marry a Ukrainian woman who speaks French
As soon as you meet the Ukrainian woman for a lasting relationship, these women are ready and willing to learn French. The Russian and Ukrainian women you can meet with our serious marriage agency are motivated to start a new life abroad; learning French is the obvious first step.
In general, it takes a few months to learn the basics of French to be understood, and 1 to 2 years to express yourself relatively correctly.
Kharkov is a city of 1.5 million people and has all the facilities to learn French. At the Alliance Française in Kharkov, the French institution present all over the world, it is possible to benefit from courses in groups of 3 to 7 people, at the following rates:
€46 per month (15 hours of French per month, due to twice a week)
€70 per month (22.5 hours of French per month, due to 3 times a week)
Duo course: 7.5 euros /1 hour
Individual courses: 12 euros /1 hour
Also be aware that the interpreters of our matrimonial agency Au Coeur de l’Est are entitled to provide, if necessary and on request, individual French courses to our members who are in a relationship with our clients. Their individual courses are at 10 euros /1 hour.
Installation and integration of Ukrainian women in France
When your Ukrainian half is visiting your country (France, Belgium, Switzerland or Canada) to get to know you more, or when it is already installed with you, it is possible to continue French lessons via Skype with one of our interpreters. Ukrainian women often prefer to have a Russian-speaking French teacher; and distance Skype courses are very popular.
Finally, each municipality in France, as well as in other French-speaking countries, has the panoply of French courses for foreigners. Including several free, even mandatory, from the moment your lucky chosen one has a residence permit. Of course, there are many French schools, including the Alliance Française, with paid courses: collective and individual.