Hello Kateryna,
Well arrived
meeting with Alla nice, I find her cute, honest, but anxious
Elena: from entering the game kisses very close to my lips, she is an adorable sweet charmer, we played well!l
Tomorrow serious things begin
Kind regards
Hello Katerina.
I hope you’ve had a great holiday and get us back in shape.
My stay went very well. I met the three people
All three are nice people, very nice
But my favorite from day one was for Evguenia… reciprocal crush.
Since Monday we spend a week together at my house and everything is going very well.
We are happy and we have decided to continue our adventure
Best feelings
Evguenia and Thierry
Hello Katerina,
Thanks for coming to us again. We talk a lot and we speak English. Understanding is more than good and we don’t hesitate to use google translate when one of the two doesn’t understand.
We both listen to each other and discover each other a little more every day. Even if everything we think is so simple and fluid. Evguénia and I both hope to go very far in our relationship.
Kind regards